Top 3 challenges in achieving process efficiency

Top 3 Challenges in Achieving Process Efficiency – Important of

Process efficiency can be defined as a measure of how much effort it takes to achieve a set goal, it regularly required improvement and due diligence – Importance of best jewellery software

Process efficiency, although it seems like a two-word combination it actually is the backbone of any organization. Let’s understand in slightly more detail. Whenever a sale happens, whether it is of a product or service, a solution needs to be delivered to the client, now to deliver the solution we need to have a process, which is also commonly known as the backend process of delivery solution.

The backend process mainly consists of many departments

  1. Procurement
  2. Finance
  3. Logistics and supply chain
  4. HR
  5. Production

Part 1

Each department plays a vital role in the entire value delivery process. Below are a few important challenges in achieving process efficiency

Artifacts over process– The executive pays more attention to artifacts like diagrams, flow charts, etc than the conversation and process that build those diagrams and flow charts. If the artifacts will have direct value, in such case you can simply borrow them from other similar organizations and implement them. Artifacts only provide the direction on know-how implementing the process for achieving efficiency is an organization leader’s job

Clarity of business objective – Process often are created for making the business run smoothly and also to make the individual stakeholder accountable, In most, the case business didn’t have clarity on many aspects which result in poor process design, so it is advisable to have clarity on the overall business goals and map it to be decentralized at every department level. All processes should be measurable and align with the organization’s goal with jewellery retail software

Not involving enough people – Process improvement task is more complex than it is perceived, more often it involves some stakeholders being a part of it, which present the solution from their perspective only, this result in multiple gaps, which later will be visible as process deficiency. and leads to the re-development of the process

Part 2

Solving the problem too quickly -Most people who engage in-process work are problem solvers by nature. As a result, when encountering a problem, their first instinct is to immediately solve it. Many process specialists will start mentally designing a solution after speaking with a stakeholder, sometimes even during the interview. Trying to solve the problem instead of listening can close you off to new information and data that could be critical to understanding both the existing process and what is needed to improve it. It also creates blinders to possibilities raised in subsequent interviews; the analyst might even skip them

Low accountability level – A good process is designed to end with a set of results and the next set of people are required to take necessary action to move it to take to the next level or closure. Here the challenge happens when the next set of people didn’t take action on time and a gap was created which leads to process deficiency to solve this reporting and measurement of impact need to be involved in the process designed with utmost diligence

Part 3

Auto-Populate digital forms to reduce data entry – Create multiple types of forms and make them digital for the flow of information within the department

Dynamically route documents to avoid delays – Create a process flow to dynamically route documents
Send Reminders to the approver to take action – This the important because in most of the cases approver takes more than expected time to approve

Move beyond tech deployment –Implementing technology is the reflection of the process, not the process, organization is required to first create a process on paper, implement it as a pilot and later implement it in technology. In many cases, people go by assumption which is not correct

Poor commitment from leaders – In most of the time leaders commit very high, but are not able to deliver the commitment, this mostly happens because of the pressure to do more with less.

Being Agile – The business process changes rapidly in a very quick time, it’s advisable to make an agile process. Understanding the agility of business required to be done with accuracy.

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